Monday, November 26, 2007

Ask VBPL... Maybe I'll Answer

I am approaching this from the perspective of a convert to the way IM can be used for reference services... I love our new IM reference service (Ask VBPL), and really have enjoyed using it from both sides of the interface. The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that IM and text messaging are the preferred tools of younger Americans, and we can infer, younger library users. For this reason alone it would be irresponsible on our part to ignore the possibilities this communication format offers. But it is not only tweens, teens, and twenty-somethings that are making use of the connection to library services through IM. Though we don't ask for a birth certificate when conducting IM transactions, I am positive that I have helped several people that are older than what we might stereotypically think a user of IM would be. I think that many adults are making use of this technology and are finding it to be a useful way to connect to the library as well. While we are only just beginning to tap the possibilities that IM services can make available to us and our customers, I think we are heading in the right direction by getting our feet wet now. Additionally, while the technology will almost certainly change and evolve as time goes by, I think that we will be well served (as will our customers) to keep up with those changes and look for new ways to take advantage of them.

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