Thursday, November 15, 2007

Learning 2.0 and Libraries

I think it is fascinating to think about all of the interesting new tools and applications available online at this point and time, and even more so to contemplate the directions those new technologies may go in the future. I am also intrigued by the seemingly endless possibilities that these new functionalities open up for those of us in the information profession. The idea that we as librarians are uniquely positioned to be at the forefront of the development and utilization of these tools is exiting as well.

Of course, this also means that we will constantly be reevaluating the direction of our services, but I agree that it does not mean that we need to change our fundamental values or mission. Yes, we may not need to have the "just in case collections" described by Rick Anderson, but I don't know that we have to resign ourselves to precipitous drops in circulation just yet either. Even if things like that do come to pass, I believe that we only need to be more flexible in determining how we define and measure success. We also need to be constantly aware that our journey may not have a final destination, and we should commit ourselves to the idea of being the most knowledgeable travelers we can be.

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